Thank you everyone for your help and support!
10/20 I ran 8 miles at the UCSD campus. It was a drizzly/rainy day but
that did not stop us from rocking every mile! It was recommitment day
where we officially signed up for the race. After the run I received a
great 20 minute massage on my legs that really helped loosen up my
Today I ran another 8 miles in Mission Beach. It was a lot hotter than
last week and because it was the Halloween weekend, I ran in an 80's
themed costume complete with leggings, leg warmers, earrings, side
ponytail, and iconic line of sweat down my back. After the run we had a
honored teammate picnic where we dined on yummy food and were reminded
why we are running by listening to some inspiring stories related to
Blood Cancers. Remember, your contribution helps save lives!