Saturday, October 27, 2012

Training Week 7 and 8!

Thank you everyone for your help and support!

On 10/20 I ran 8 miles at the UCSD campus. It was a drizzly/rainy day but that did not stop us from rocking every mile! It was recommitment day where we officially signed up for the race. After the run I received a great 20 minute massage on my legs that really helped loosen up my muscles. 

Today I ran another 8 miles in Mission Beach. It was a lot hotter than last week and because it was the Halloween weekend, I ran in an 80's themed costume complete with leggings, leg warmers, earrings, side ponytail, and iconic line of sweat down my back. After the run we had a honored teammate picnic where we dined on yummy food and were reminded why we are running by listening to some inspiring stories related to Blood Cancers. Remember, your contribution helps save lives!

Monday, October 15, 2012

Training Week 5 and 6!

I skipped a week of posting so I have combined two in one.


It was finally a back down week and we only ran 4 miles for our long run. We met at San Dieguito Park and actually ran a trail run. It was my first time completely running on trail and it is very different - I have new muscles hurting. It was a beautiful day with beautiful scenery.

After the run we has a great pancake breakfast with a lot of great toppings. They were so yummy and the perfect after run treat.

We also had our clinic on Nutrition where an elite athlete/nuritionist talked to us about the proper ways to fuel before, during and after our runs. It was very informative. Our coach then gave a foam roller demonstration (the roam roller has become a very good friend of mine).


I ran 7 miles and it was my longest run to date! Hurts. So. Good. We met in the UTC area and it was the perfect weather to run. I cannot believe how warm it is in October. I finally got to wear my fuel belt on a run and love it. 

After running we all hung around and looked at fundraising items and chatted. I put in a order for a neat pair of sweatpants - I just hope it cools off enough so I can wear them. I did not bring any cash with me and will have to make some purchases next week.

Oh and if you have not yet contributed please donate! Just $5 - yes only FIVE BUCKS - can help save lives.

Thank you!


Wednesday, October 3, 2012

October Training Schedule

Here is the training schedule for October. It looks like it formats weird when I transfer to jpg ( I can only attach pictures). Anyways...Looks like I have more hills in my future. I ran 3.5 miles of hills on Monday. Not my favorite.

Training Week 4!

I am so happy to have completed the 6 mile run on Saturday. Oh, and did I mention that the 6 miles was on hills. Hurts. So. Good. It was a beautiful and hot morning to run along concrete, trail, and asphalt in the Scripps Ranch area. Here is a picture of Lake Miramar that I took from the trail section of the run.

 Here is a pic of me after the run.

We also had a great injury prevention clinic where we learned about ways to help treat and prevent injury. I picked up a new hydration belt and a headband from a fellow teammate as part of her fundraising. And because I have reached 50% of my goal I picked up an awesome hat and order my new Team in Training sweatshirt!

Thank you, thank you, thank you for the support.
