Thursday, May 21, 2009


Yesterday I went in for oral surgery. Based on the X-Ray they thought it was cementoma and that it would be easy to remove it. Once they opened me up, the lesion was not well delineated and they just did a biopsy. It is now believed that I have Osteofibroma which is a benign bone tumor that consists of fibrous connective tissue and bone, but I will not know for two weeks if that is what I have. Basically, this was just a really expensive Biopsy.

I am a little swollen but the pain is not too bad because of all the drugs, haha. Because the surgery was in the front of my mouth, I am hoping to be eating solid foods a lot quicker then when I got my wisdom teeth out.

I called the Peace Corps Dentist in Washington DC and he had a meeting with the Medical Office to determine if this is still a Dental issue. Turns out, now it is a medical problem and I can hopefully be Dentally cleared by early next week. Yay! (A positive spin on a negative situation)!

I also just got some forms sent from the Medical Office for some follow up appointments. Luckily, I can fax in all of this information and they can therefore receive it a lot quicker then me mailing it in. Everyone at the Medical Services Office in DC have been so nice and understanding!

I am going to be really glad when this whole ordeal is over and I can get an invitation and find out my departure information. At least I am learning some of the key fundamentals of the Peace Corps like Patience and Flexibility!

Thank you for everyone who has helped get through all of this, I really appreciate the support!

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