Saturday, October 10, 2009

Update On My Status has been awhile since I have put anything on here. Since getting medically cleared I have been working and waiting for an update. I have been officially updated that the available spots for the remainder of the year have been filled. I am actually fairly happy and will be considered for departure in February - June of 2010. I am still pushing for South America but would be also be happy with Africa.

I should be having another suitability review of my application and then discuss everything with a placement officer in the upcoming weeks. Wish me luck!



Monday, June 22, 2009

Medically Cleared!!!

I have just been informed by the Office of Medical Services that I have been medically and dentally cleared for the Peace Corps! After months of dealing with all of this, I am so glad it is over.

Because of the issues with my mouth, I do have restrictions on which countries I can go to. Because I need to have Dental X-Rays every 6 months, the list of accommodating countries is just a little shorter then the full list. I am okay with this (at least that means the country will have a little better health care).

So, now I have been contacted by a Placement Officer for Africa and need to send in some paperwork and forms to her. The placement office will determine where I am going to be invited to. Passing the medical screening is bringing me to the final steps and soon I should be on my way!

Monday, June 15, 2009

June Gloom Update

Well...It is the 15th of June and I still have not been medically cleared by the Peace Corps. They are reviewing my information and I am hoping to have a response in the near future. For those of you who do not know, the mass was benign and I just need to keep an eye on it in the future.

Having that said, there is really no way I can leave next month. At this point, I am hoping to leave sometime in or after September. I can leave in 2010 for all I know as well. It all depends on when I get medically cleared and where they invited me to.

Because it looks like I am staying in San Diego for a bit and I was laid off, I have began a job search once again. Wish me luck

♥☮♥☮♥☮♥ Ash ♥☮♥☮♥☮♥

Thursday, May 21, 2009


Yesterday I went in for oral surgery. Based on the X-Ray they thought it was cementoma and that it would be easy to remove it. Once they opened me up, the lesion was not well delineated and they just did a biopsy. It is now believed that I have Osteofibroma which is a benign bone tumor that consists of fibrous connective tissue and bone, but I will not know for two weeks if that is what I have. Basically, this was just a really expensive Biopsy.

I am a little swollen but the pain is not too bad because of all the drugs, haha. Because the surgery was in the front of my mouth, I am hoping to be eating solid foods a lot quicker then when I got my wisdom teeth out.

I called the Peace Corps Dentist in Washington DC and he had a meeting with the Medical Office to determine if this is still a Dental issue. Turns out, now it is a medical problem and I can hopefully be Dentally cleared by early next week. Yay! (A positive spin on a negative situation)!

I also just got some forms sent from the Medical Office for some follow up appointments. Luckily, I can fax in all of this information and they can therefore receive it a lot quicker then me mailing it in. Everyone at the Medical Services Office in DC have been so nice and understanding!

I am going to be really glad when this whole ordeal is over and I can get an invitation and find out my departure information. At least I am learning some of the key fundamentals of the Peace Corps like Patience and Flexibility!

Thank you for everyone who has helped get through all of this, I really appreciate the support!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

I don't like going to the dentist...

So, yesterday I had my dentist appointment to see if I needed a root canal for one of my teeth. He thought I might so he then referred me to an Endodontist. The Endodontist determined that I do not need a root canal, but I do have an abnormality that surrounds the root of the tooth like a halo that may be something called Cementoma. Tomorrow I am going to an Oral Surgeon (the same one that took out my Wisdom Teeth) to get a third opinion and have some tests done.

After this whole ordeal is done, I really don't want to see another dentist for a long time, haha.

Other then this, I have no news to report about my Peace Corps process.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

More Dental Work Needed...

Today I received all of my dental forms back from the Peace Corps. They have determined that I might need more work done on my teeth. They Peace Corps Dentist saw something in my X-Ray that was abnormal and not accounted for by my dentist. I have an appointment for next week and hopefully it will turn out to be nothing. Luckily, I can still receive an invitation without my dental forms being complete. I just cannot leave for training without them.

Also, on the 16th, there is a Peace Corps Event at the San Diego Humane Society. It is the largest gathering of Returned Peace Corps Volunteers in San Diego. My best friend Katie will be visiting that weekend and will accompany me. Yay!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Out of 100

As I was perusing the unlimited amount of information about the Peace Corps, I came across some data on Peace Corps Wiki. This is a chart that shows how many people make it to the Close of Service (COS) out of every 100 applicants. The chart shows that out of 100 applications, only 65 even get a nomination. Even scarier that out of those same 100, only 22 finish their entire 2 years.

I also saw that the average length of time from Application to Leaving for Training averages about 335 days.

I sent in all of my medical forms and am still waiting to hear from them. Normally, the medical review takes over 50 days but I need a rush on it if they are still planning on me leaving in July.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Almost There...

After this week I should be done with all of my medical appointments. Once all of the forms are complete, I can send them in and hope I am deemed in good enough health to serve in the PC. I would like to think that I can get my Invitation (that tells me when and where I will go) by the end of April. Fingers crossed!!

Friday, April 3, 2009

New Camera

So, my dad just bought me a new camera for my trip. It is a Canon Powershot SX10 IS and is an advanced digital point and shoot. I decided not to go with a SLR because they are more expensive, too many parts, and more difficult to learn. I am really pleased with the camera thus far and am glad to have a chance to learn to use it by the time I leave.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Wisdom Teeth

I am getting my wisdom teeth extracted tomorrow and I am really not looking forward to that.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Yay for Medical Exams...

Over the last week or so, I have started my medical exams for the Peace Corps. I estimate that I will have at least 10 appointments to get the initial exams and follow ups done. This includes having to get my wisdom teeth out (not really looking forward to that). So once my teeth, eyes and body have all been given the a-o-kay, I can send in the forms and hope the Peace Corps believes that I am a-o-kay too!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Peace Corps Nomination!!

I started this blog to keep people updated with my life, especially when I leave for the Peace Corps. I just got my real first excited news from them...

I just got my Peace Corps nomination today! I am going to go to Africa in July! I am sooooooo excited and cannot wait. I will be teaching computers with a Non-Profit least I know there will be electricity. I get to learn an African language and get to experience a culture that I am very unfamiliar with.

Thank you everyone for all of your support with the grueling application process!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Let's see how this works...

I have created a blog to help me stay connected to family and friends and share my life...